Installing Locally (advanced) ***************************** This section details how to set ImmuneDB up locally on a machine. This is a more complicated process than using the :doc:`Docker method ` but may be useful if you plan on running ImmuneDB remotely on a server rather than locally. Dependency Installation ======================= MySQL ----- ImmuneDB utilizes `MySQL `_ as its underlying data store. We recommend using its drop-in replacement, `MariaDB `_. Please consult their website and your operating systems package manager for installation instructions. R (optional) ------------ `Baseline `_ can optionally be used to calculate selection pressure on clones. This requires `R `_ to be installed along with the `ade4 `_ package. Installation is platform dependent. The newest version of Baseline can be downloaded `here `_. The path to the main script will be needed for clone statistics generation as described in :ref:`stats_generation`. For genotyping, `TIgGER `_ must also be installed. Bowtie2 (optional) ------------------ `Bowtie2 `_ can be used to locally align sequences which cannot be aligned using the built-in anchor method. Clearcut (optional) ------------------- `Clearcut `_ can be used to generate lineage trees for clones. After downloading and compiling per the instructions, note the path to the ``clearcut`` executable which will be required for generating trees in :ref:`tree_generation`. ImmuneDB Installation ===================== It is recommended that ImmuneDB be installed within a `venv`, creating an isolated environment from the rest of the system. To create a virtual environment and activate it run: .. code-block:: bash $ python3 -m venv immunedb $ source immunedb/bin/activate Then install ImmuneDB: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install immunedb Web Interface Installation ========================== Please refer to the `ImmuneDB Frontend installation instructions `_.